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Dazer ANTI BARK DOG DETERRENT. The DAZER was tried and tested by Mr Terry Singh, B.E.M. Dog Warden Service Manager, City of Bradford Metropolitan Council. The Dazer has proven to be the most effective aid to dog deterrence available.

  • Handheld ultrasonic aid to dog deterrence

  • Easy and quick to operate

  • Compact, lightweight plastic unit

  • Handy clip for belt

  • Works up to 5 metres (15ft)

  • Helps protect your own dog

  • Completely harmless to animals


The pocket-sized Dazer works by emitting ultrasonic sound bursts which can help to prevent the approach of unwanted dogs at distances of up to 5 metres (15ft).

The high frequency sound bursts are inaudible to humans but are clearly heard and disliked by dogs.

The sound bursts do not harm dogs but causes them discomfort. As a result the animal stops, makes a detour or retreats.

Any responsible adult who wants to avoid contact with most aggressive dogs will find the Dazer helpful - particular service workers, sales and delivery people, walkers, joggers, cyclists and the elderly. Help protect your own dog as well from other aggressive dogs. Useful for stray cats too at distances of up to 13 metres (40 feet).

The Dazer is used by various Government Authorities, Town and City Councils, Mail Delivery Services and Utility Co's worldwide. Ten of thousands of Dazer's have been sold to the general public including Animal Welfare, Doctors, Vets, Cyclists, Walkers, Dog Owners, etc.

The Dazer is a compact, battery operated, handheld unit, measuring approx. 11 1/2 cm X 3 1/2 cm (4.5 inch x 2 x1.25 inch) and weighing 122 grams (4.3 ounces). It is made of tough plastic and comes with a steel clip to fit onto a belt or other clothing for easy access.

The Dazer is easy to operate, the user simply points it at the dog and presses the built-in button for 2/3 seconds. A red LED light indicates that the Dazer is functioning properly.

A burst of ultrasonic sound is emitted at a high frequency when the button is depressed. The closer the animal gets the more intense the sound becomes.


10 de review-uri
Spune-ti parerea acordand o nota produsului
Achiziționat veritabil
Nagyon jó a termék. Ajánlom másnak is.
Achiziționat veritabil
Foarte multumit!!!!are efect foarte bun!!!
Rendelés, szállítás, csomagolás teljesen rendben.
Az eszköz jól működik, a kutyák "hallják" és nem szeretik, eltávolodnak.
Agresziv kutya meghátrál,nagyon örvendek hogy megvettem a terméket.
Másnak is bátran ajánlom.
Futáshoz rendeltem, még nem próbáltam élesben, de a saját kutyánkat tényleg elriasztotta! :-(
Tokeletes termek, nagyon orulok,mhogy megvettem.
Az agresszív kutyák valóban meghátrálnak, a macskák még érzékenyebben reagálnak rá. Tehát macskák távol tartására, idomítására is alkalmas.
Élesben még nem próbáltam, de működik, mivel reagálnak a kutyák.
zatial dobre funguje, presne také niečo som hladal
Már többször használtam, az ugató kutya hátrébb lépett és elcsendesedett.